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Regular price Rs 20,000.00 LKR
Regular price Sale price Rs 20,000.00 LKR
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Mass Tech Performance Series is perfect for people who are having a tough time building up and getting big. This advanced muscle mass gainer features a precise formulation of carbs, proteins, healthy fats and creatine to serve as the final solution in gaining formidable muscle mass and strength.

Increasing your carb and protein intake is important if you want to get large. Mixed with 2 cups of skim milk, Mass Tech gives you a massive 80 g of protein, 9 g of healthy fats and 168 g of carbs to fill you up and get you on your way to building the muscular body composition that you've been working so hard to achieve.

Mass Tech's Multi-Phase Carb Complex contains fast-digesting carbohydrates. This helps drive more nutrients such as creatine and amino acids into your muscle, giving it a larger appearance and more muscle-building support. These carbs also help replenish your muscle glycogen stores that get depleted during exercise.

Mass Tech's Multi-Phase Protein System features a blend of fast, medium and slow-digesting protein sources. This keeps your muscles well-fed and nourished, all set towards a steady path of non-stop growth and development.

As an added bonus, Mass Tech delivers Creatine Monohydrate to support increased muscle strength and muscle vascularity. Creatine lets you workout harder as it delays the onset of muscle fatigue and tiredness. Creatine also expands your muscle, giving your muscles a more pronounced and bulkier appearance.

Turn the muscle-building odds in your favor. Take MuscleTech Mass Tech and gain muscle mass like never before.

Disclaimer: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary from individual to individual, depending on a range of factors, including gender and age
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